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Hello and welcome to the magpie pedals legacy page. Complete with manuals and information for older designs that I no longer make.
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Not Pedals
Expression Multiplier
The expression multiplier is very literal. It takes one or two expression inputs an multiplies it so you can control more than one thing at a time. You can go all the way up to eight outputs from a single expression pedal, which can get really wild!
I invented it primarily to control as much as possible with a single “Expseq” for myself. Like circuit bent toys and such. But it turns out to be quite the powertool on a pedalboard as well.
Expseq is a eight step sequencer expression pedal that can control two pedals at once. Complete with the tap tempo, manual mode and CV clock syncability.
I created it to control circuit bent toys and synthesizers as well as guitar pedals.
Yeah is something I created to turn any guitar pedal with an expression input into a “Weird”. It takes your input signal and creates an expression signal from it so that when you play your instrument it expresses one or two pedals.
Smootch has a 50mm piezo element (contact microphone) in its mouth that runs through a wild distortion circuit to make it sound just as dirty as it looks!
Because of the distortion circuit amplifying the signal so much, it creates a sort of resonance with the piezo element in the metal enclosure that makes it pick up sounds from further away than usual with a piezo element.
Primitive is basically a “Beehive” V.2. I made it at the same time as developing “Nasty”, just taking the pedal out of it and maxing the amount of voices. So 6 banks of 6 droning oscillators that are controlled by a S&H each. Which is really really wild sounding! I put all the smart stuff I made with “Analog Weapon” inside as well. So you can sync it to other gear and do tap tempo. Or just have all the oscillators at once be controlled by a LFO! That sounds really crazy.
Feedback Organ
The Feedback Organ is a result of some of my wild experiments with no-input techniques and talk boxes that I have performed over on youtube.
The general idea is simply to try and tame the sounds of pointing a microphone towards a speaker through a PVC tube.
Furthermore I decided to also implement electronic feedback loops in the circuit together with a classic PT2399 delay and drive circuit for the speaker. With a dedicated external input where you can play whatever you want into your Feedback Organ and completely destroy that signal through pvc tubes.
Disco Noise
Disco Noise is a very fun “synthesizer” idea I got when developing the “Disco Distortion” pedal. Simply creating a circuit around these automatic RGB LEDs that amplifies the noise they make and lets you hear just how wonderfully awful they can sound.
Pocket Drone
The Pocket Drone is a baby version of the “Beehive” drone synthesizer. 12 oscillators in a smaller footprint still makes for a pretty powerful drone tool!
The Lofi-Phone is me making the most out of the rest of the phones I buy to make “Stutterphones”. I made a little circuit revolving around the hearing element that turns it into a microphone. A very lofi sounding microphone. Very aesthetic. Very.
Beehive is my first drone synthesizer. I had been working so much with the 40106 circuit at the time that I felt like making something with as many oscillators as possible in a satisfying footpring. So 42 oscillators spread out with a volume knob and dedicated output for every 6 that you can make with a 40106. To create the proper sound of a beehive!
Rap Robot
Rap Robot is very rare. Just as rare as the chip I use inside. The chip originally found inside of the Casio Rapman to do all the pitch shifting for the microphone input. Together with my friend “DDC” and some circuit bending I was able to turn it into a really weird and dirty sounding arpeggiator pedal.
Dispersion is one of those effects that is sort of a culmination of a bunch of ideas. It takes the input pitch and turns it into a square wave (just like in “Bit Pirate”). But instead of hearing the square wave it is instead used as a control circuit similar to “Weird”. But what it controls is the silencer circuit from “Patterns” as well as the crazy stuff I made with “Bonkers, so it essentially is a input pitch controlled stutter effect with ring mod pitch shift delay stuff going on. And a fuzz.
Kind of alot.
Electric Egg
Just as “Nasty” is a mix of “Fruits” and “Cozy”, the Electric Egg is a mix of “Fruits” and “Foam”. Taking the same circuit but replacing the LFO that is being sampled with a manual pressure control that you can lock with the press of a button. Essentially getting a two voice pressure synthesizer that your can use as a guitar pedal.
Nasty is basically the sounds of “Fruits” with the functions of “Cozy”. An updated crash sync synth circuit (now possible to be used as a very raw and dirty two voice synthesizer) that is controlled by a S&H that you can tap tempo or sync to external gear. It sounds absolutely nasty when the oscillators are changing pitch while trying to lock to your input signal.
Wet was created by experimenting with the “Feedback Organ” circuit. I simply replaced the speaker inside the feedback organ with a spring reverb tank when my friend “Sourcery Studios” was visiting. We both marveled at the sound and started switching out capacitors to get a bunch of different tones from it. Thats why it has a rotary switch that just goes between different capacitors.
The Crazynator was another one of those early magpie concepts where I circuit bent a toy voice changer and replaced the mic and speaker with an input and output.
I made a couple of these back in the day and in 2023 I decided to finish what I had started by making my own circuit revolving around a voice changer.
So there still is a toy inside, but now with a whole bunch of more magpie.
Pebble is the same circuit as “The Intern” but completed with all of the “Triple Bypass” that I created with “Analog Weapon. And of course also made to fit the absolutely smallest footprint possible!
It is one of the effects that really benefits from the triple bypass since you effectively now have a octave down synth fuzz tap tempo tremolo pedal.
Bonkers is made from a very strange idea I got one day while developing “Patterns”. Since I was working with the “Bubbles” sequencer I wanted to see what happened if I took the pulses that gets created in “Patterns” and just run them straight into the PT2399 inside of “Bubbles. It turns out it does something very bonkers. It makes the delay time go back and fourth between max and min and depending on the speed of the pulses you can get some really bizarre ring mod pitch shifty sounds.
Patterns is basically combining the “Stutterphone” silencer and fuzz circuit with the sequencer setup from “Bubbles”. Making for a really simple yet effective musical tool. Like a sequenced stutter effect/square wave tremolo. That you can sync to other equipment to create polyrhythm patterns in your signal chain.
In the V.2 I also found a way to dial back the stutter effect so that you now have a depth knob.
Flicker is another continuation of experimenting with the Bubbles circuit. Just like in “Cozy”, “Wierd” and “Möist” there is a LDR going in parallel to the time knob. This time however I took some flickering LEDs that are made for those electronic candles and created a sort of random delay based on the flickers.
Cozy is kind of a V.2 of the “Möist” pedal. The same LFO is being used as the analog signal for a S&H circuit. So together with “Analog Weapon” I developed a couple of modes for how to control this S&H and create all kinds of strange modulated, automated and innovated delay sounds stuff.
The Intern was an idea I had for making a pedal easy enough for my intern at the time to put it together. Plus I have always been very attracted to the idea of a single knob design. So I took parts of the “Bit Pirate” circuit and made a blend between distortion and square wave octave down Literally. Thats what the knob does. Very complementary sound in my opinion!
Lust is taking the PT2399 delay and trying to make something less experimental and more overpowered with it. Originally taking two of them and making it possible to go in either series and parallel with one of them being controllable with a expression pedal.
Then later adding three more PT2399 in the form of a Belton Brick reverb and figuring out some interesting ways of connecting signals in and out of it.
Weird is weirdly related to “Disco Distortion”. After I had made a circuit that lights up an LED when you play I figured I should see what happens if I take the “Möist” delay circuit and replace the LFO with this light-up-when-you-play circuit. The result is really weird. The delay can jump drastically to very long as long as you are playing and then immediately when you stop playing it jumps back to short. Turning it almost into a pitch shifter at times.
The Stutterphone was one of my first ideas as Simon The Magpie all the way back in 2018ish I made the first versions long before I had plans to make my own pedal company.
Originally it just takes your input signal and run it through the mechanics of a rotary phone. So that when you spin the dial it disconnects the signal and you get a stutter effect.
This is also what I built the first “official” Stutterphone upon. But I made it with the type of rotary phone that has a big red button so that you can also manually stutter the signal. I also included a fuzz circuit I made to spice it up a bit.
In the V.2 edition I did alot of development with “Analog Weapon”. We introduced a mode where you can record your stutters so that it loops the cutting of the signal back to you. And then also made that loop something you can sync to an external clock and use the rotary dial as a sort of clock divider to set divisions of that clock for longer or shorter loops.
Disco Distortion was basically a lucky accident of an effect. I just bought all the different LEDs in an electronics shop and tried them as clipping diodes in different configurations. The ones in Disco are RGB automated blinky ones so when they get enough power from the input signal running through a circuit they end up lighting up and doing their thing. This in turn makes a horrible sound that I was able to mix together with the input signal for a really strange distortion effect.
Bit Pirate
Bit pirate takes the very first part of the “Fruits” circuit where the signal is amplified by an order of magnitude to essentially clip enough to look like a square wave. It then run this signal through a 4040 and a 4070 respectively to create both octave down and octave up versions of the signal.
You can then blend 4 voices together to get a really thick and lovely square wave fuzz signal.
The way I implemented the LFO on “Möist” uses a LDR (light dependant resistor) in parallel with the “Time knob”. After this was done I started experimenting with switching out this LDR for other components.
Foam was the first of these experiments. Using a FSR (force sensitive resistor) and coming up with a fun design to make this interesting for the user.
The original Foam also has a second FSR that controls something it probably should not. But in V.2 I pulled it back and designed it around a larger FSR to have more of a pressure area for the user.
Möist was created in right next to “Bubbles”. Me and “Horseman” had already hooked the sequencer from “Fuits” up to a PT2399, so I simply tried taking the LFO from “Fruits” and replacing the sequencer with that.
It turned out fantastic!
A modulated delay with a range I had never heard before. Ramping up to push the delay time of the PT2399 to its absolute limits before returning back again can create all sorts of wonderful weird sounds.
Bubbles was my first original idea for a pedal. Originally made together with “Horseman” right after we had finished “Fruits”.
This is how I remember it:
I had a handful of PT2399 delay pedals laying around in the magpie room and told him it would be interesting to try and control one with a sequencer. And since you can very easily make a sequencer with the 4017 IC, we just made a few modifications to the “Fruits” breadboard and then hooked that up to one of the PT2399 pedals. And so Bubbles was born!
Since then Bubbles have gone through a couple of updates that I made together with my friend “Analog Weapon” (who also run this website). We made the sequencer control digital so that we can have different modes and also implemented the “Triple Bypass” stuff.
Happy was literally a happy little accident that occured on the Fruits breadboard. We started swapping out different components and basically just ended up with something that sounded really awful in a fun way and called it a day.
Later I also added a hole to the design so that a user could stick their finger in it and basically circuit bend it on the fly.
Fruits was the first official magpie pedals pedal. Developed together with my friend “Horseman” who tought me all the intial basics of proper circuitry.
It uses a 40106 in a sort of “crash sync circuit” to create a synthified version of your input signal. This is then run through a 4017 to create two additional voices with set intervals stepped down from the original input pitch. So kind of like a square wave harmonizer type thing.
There is also an LFO controlling the frequency of the 40106 wave.